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LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary Multilingual (ML-23) for Pocket PC
LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary Multilingual (ML-23) for Windows Mobile

Versión: 4.1.90
Pronunciación : English, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Dutch, French, Greek

Descarga Gratuita

Precio Especial: €54,95

A comprehensive 23 language talking translation solution and language management application for Windows Mobile that delivers superior translation of 100,000 words!

LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary ML-23 provides instant bidirectional translations between Czech, English, Finnish, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguése, Russian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Croatian, Dutch, Estonian,French, Greek, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Swedish, and Ukrainian. Incorporating the latest text-to-speech (TTS) voice synthesis it speaks all of its translations aloud.

The Talking Travel Dictionary is a component of LingvoSoft Travel Suite, which combines PhraseBook, Dictionary and the Picture Dictionary learning application. As part of the Suite, it delivers an unsurpassed level of integration across the entire platform.

Combines extensively updated databases, accurate and flexible search functions, and complete linguistic resources. Fully integration with all LingvoSoft applications makes it easy to copy, cut, and paste information between applications.

LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary Multilingual (ML-23) for Windows Mobile features:


  • Comprehensive and fully updated instant bidirectional English <-> Czech, Finnish, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguése, Russian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Croatian, Dutch, Estonian,French, Greek, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Swedish, and Ukrainian. translations
  • Advanced Synonym Search (provides a list of alternatives for the selected word)
  • Translations complete with part of speech, gender, comment, transcription, and examples
  • Includes transcriptions for all English entries
  • Language information included for almost 40 languages
  • Complete English Grammar resource


  • Voiced TTS (text-to-speech) output of all English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguése, Russian, and Spanish entries
  • Customizable interface (toolbars, font settings, colors, etc.)
  • English, French, German, Spanish and Russian display language options
  • Convenient Virtual Keyboard helps you to enter special and language specific symbols
  • Quick paste and translate (translates a selected word in other application with just one click)
  • History function to view and select previously entered words
  • Personalized User Dictionaries (create, add, and edit you own personal dictionaries)
  • Input Line search finds any word matching the sequence of symbols you enter


  • Complete integration between all LingvoSoft Suite components including Dictionary, FlashCards, PhraseBook, Picture Dictionary and Text Translator. Select, copy and export words to other applications simply end easily.

Comprehensive Support

  • Installation and execution from Extension Card
  • Square screen (QVGA 240*240) support
  • High Resolution screen (480*640) support
  • Screen Orientation (Portrait, Landscape (right-handed) and Landscape (left-handed)) support

Requisitos de sistema:

Pocket PC 2003
Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition (SE)
Windows Mobile Version 5.0
Windows Mobile Version 6.0
Windows Mobile Version 6.5 (English)

Memory: 14 MB for the main application (storage)
Additional 7 MB needed for proper operation (program)

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Business, HP iPAQ h1910/1920, HP iPAQ h1915, HP iPAQ h1930, HP iPAQ h1940/1945, HP iPAQ h2210, HP iPAQ h4150, h4155, HP iPAQ h4350, h4355, HP iPAQ h5150, h5155, HP iPAQ h5450, h5455, HP iPAQ h5550/h5555, HP iPAQ h6310/h6315, HP iPAQ h6315, HP iPAQ h6320/h6325, HP iPAQ h6340, HP iPAQ hw6510, HP iPAQ hw6515, HP iPAQ hw6910, HP iPAQ hw6915, HP iPAQ hw6940, HP iPAQ hx2110, HP iPAQ hx2190, HP iPAQ hx2415/hx2410, HP iPAQ hx2490, HP iPAQ hx2750, HP iPAQ hx2790, HP iPAQ hx4700, hx4705, HP iPAQ Jornada 520/540, HP iPAQ Jornada 560, HP iPAQ Jornada 928, HP iPAQ rw6100 Series, HP iPAQ rw6815, HP iPAQ rw6828, HP iPAQ rx1950, HP iPAQ rx3115, HP iPAQ rx3415, HP iPAQ rx3715, HP iPAQ rx3715, HP iPAQ rx5915, HP iPAQ rz1710/rz1715, HP Morpheus 1, HP Morpheus 2, HTC Advantage X7500, HTC Advantage X7500, HTC Advantage X7510, HTC Alpine, HTC Artemis, HTC Atlas, HTC Blue Angel, HTC Galaxy, HTC Hermes, HTC Hermes, HTC Magician, HTC Mogul, HTC Omni, HTC P3300, HTC P3350, HTC P3400 (Gene), HTC P3470 (HTC Pharos), HTC P3600, HTC P3600i, HTC P4300, HTC P4350, HTC P4350 (Herald), HTC P6300, HTC P6300 (Panda), HTC P6500 (Sirius), HTC P6550 (HTC Sedna), HTC Prophet, HTC S320 (Monet), HTC S420 (Erato), HTC S710 (Vox), HTC S730 (Wings), HTC Shift, HTC Touch, HTC Touch Cruise P3650, HTC Touch Dual P5500, HTC Touch P3450, HTC Touch P3452, HTC Trinity, HTC TyTN, HTC TyTN II, HTC TyTN II P4550 , HTC Universal, HTC Wizard, HTC X7500, I-Mate 5150 Ultimate, I-Mate 6150 Ultimate, I-Mate 7150 Ultimate, I-Mate 8150 Ultimate, I-Mate 8502 Ultimate, I-Mate 9150 Ultimate, I-Mate 9502 Ultimate, I-Mate Jam, I-Mate JAMA, I-Mate JAMA 101, I-Mate JAMA 201, I-Mate JAQ, I-Mate JAQ3, I-Mate JAQ4, I-Mate JasJam, I-Mate Jasjar, I-Mate K-JAM, I-Mate K-JAR, I-Mate PDA2, I-Mate PDA2k, I-Mate PDAL, I-Mate PDA-N, I-Mate Pocket PC, Intermec CN30, LG KS20, MDA compact, II, III, Mitac Mio 168, Mitac Mio 168RS, Mitac Mio 169, Mitac Mio 180, Mitac Mio 336, Mitac Mio 336 BT, Mitac Mio 339, Mitac Mio 558, Mitac Mio 8380, Mitac Mio A201, MiTAC Mio A502, Mitac Mio A700, Mitac Mio A701, Mitac Mio A702, Mitac Mio P350, MiTAC Mio P360 DigiWalker, Mitac Mio P550, MiTAC Mio P560 DigiWalker, MOTO Q GSM, MOTO Q q9, NEC MobilePro 250e, NEC MobilePro 300e, NEC MobilePro P300, O2 XDA Atom, O2 XDA Atom Exec, O2 Xda Atom Life, O2 XDA Flame, O2 XDA II, IIi, II Mini, O2 XDA III, O2 XDA Nova, O2 XDA Orbit, O2 XDA Stealth, O2 XDA Terra, O2 XDA Trion, Orange SPV M series, ORSiO g735, ORSiO n725, ORSiO n725 GPS, ORSiO p745, Palm Treo 700w/700wx, Palm Treo 700wx, Palm Treo 750, Palm Treo 750v, PN-168RS, PN-4700, PN-A201, PN-P550, PN-P550 A, Pocket Loox 410, Pocket Loox 420, Pocket Loox 610 BT, Pocket Loox 610 BT/WLAN, Pocket Loox N500, Pocket Loox N520, Pocket Navigator PN-169, Pocket Navigator PN-3550, Pocket Navigator PN-3560, Qtek 2020, Qtek 2020i, Qtek 8060, Qtek 8200, Qtek 9000 (5.0), Qtek 9090, Qtek 9100 (5.0), Qtek 9600, Qtek G100 (5.0), Qtek G200, Qtek S100, Qtek S110, Qtek S200 (5.0), Qtek s300, RoverPC C6, RoverPC E5, RoverPC G5, RoverPC G6, RoverPC N6, RoverPC N7, RoverPC P1, RoverPC P4, RoverPC P5+, RoverPC P6, RoverPC P7, RoverPC Q5, RoverPC Q6, RoverPC S1, RoverPC S2, Rover PC S5, RoverPC S6, RoverPC S7, Rover PC W5, Samsung B-Bop, Samsung i730, Samsung i750, Samsung M400/M4000, Samsung SGH-i710, Samsung SGH-i760, Samsung SGH-i780, Samsung SGH-i830, Samsung sph-i700, Samsung Ultra i600, Sharp W-ZERO3 (WS004SH), Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1, Sprint IP-830w, Sprint Palm Treo 700wx, Sprint PEC Mogul, Sprint PPC-6600/6601, Sprint PPC-6700 (5.0), Symbol MC50 Nav, Symbol MC50 Qwerty, T-Mobile MDA compact IV, T-Mobile MDA II, T-Mobile MDA III, T-Mobile MDA Pro, T-Mobile MDA Vario II, T-Mobile Phone, T-Mobile Wing, Toshiba e350/e355, Toshiba e400, e405, Toshiba e750/e755, Toshiba e800/e805, Toshiba e800/e805 WiFi, Toshiba e830, Toshiba G500, Toshiba Genio-e, Toshiba Portege G710, Toshiba Portege G810, Toshiba Portege G900, Toshiba Portege G910, Verizon AudioVox XV6600, Verizon XV6700 (5.0), ViewSonic Pocket PC V37, ViewSonic V36, Vodafone V1605, Vodafone V1620, Vodafone V1640, Vodafone VPA Comact, Voxtel W420, Voxtel W520, Voxtel W740, Verizon Samsung I 760

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